Jumped the gun
Erf, it seems I'm not immune to being zealous and overshooting things sometimes.
My previous scam report, while the body of the report is sound, i was a bit hasty in my finger pointing and thusly have had my hand slapped and found time for an abrupt egg facial. I want to respond in a timely manner to scam reports, and seeing as people generally don't report them directly to me, I have to actively keep an eye out for when people mention them. Also, like so many others, I work durring the day and don't have the time nessisarily to verify each claim right away. I usually do work on verifying them, but sometimes by the time I get to them, things have changed again, not to mention I am but one person.
I'm not infalable. I'm still a human behind the screen and I can get wrong information. I'm not present obviously when I'm hearing reports from other people. Generally I'm a little more cautious than I was this time around, but zeal got the better of me here.
However, that being said, if someone has issue with a scam I've posted or persons named in the scam, PLEASE do feel free to contact me or leave a comment of your own. The one thing I ask however is that you please do so politely without cussing me (or anyone else out) out, and that you please use proper english. I abhor AOL speak or 'speak' of any kind. It is likely that I was meerly misinformed. I'm more than willing to hear the other side of the story, and if I am wrong, I will change, and I will appologize.
From now on however, I will structure a few rules for myself before naming specific people which should prevent future zealotic mishaps. My general purpose is to inform and educate, not engage in witchhunting per se. I will structure these rules around that goal.
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